Serviciul Național de Sănătate din Marea Britanie (NHS) a dat undă verde pentru începerea testelor cu o aplicație revoluționară, care poate identifica pacienții pasibili de diabet, cu peste un deceniu înainte ca boala să înceapă…
This article discusses a new AI application being tested in the UK by the NHS. This groundbreaking application can detect the pre-symptoms of type 2 diabetes up to 13 years before the disease manifests.
The AI analyzes electrocardiograms, identifying subtle changes that could indicate a risk for diabetes. This early detection allows individuals to make lifestyle changes or dietary adjustments to prevent the onset of the disease.
This article discusses a new AI application being tested in the UK by the NHS. This groundbreaking application can detect the pre-symptoms of type 2 diabetes up to 13 years before the disease manifests. The AI analyzes electrocardiograms, identifying subtle changes that could indicate a risk for diabetes. This early detection allows individuals to make lifestyle changes or dietary adjustments to prevent the onset of the disease.